Frisbee launcher robot- ROBOCON 2017- click here for more info

In the second year of my undergraduate stduties, I was part of a robotic team which participated in ROBOCON 2017 in JAPAN. It was a fun project. A frisbee launcher in a robotic platform was designed in Solidworks and fabricated to play against other robots. The whole robot consists of four main parts:

  • 1- Omni‑directional moving base
  • 2- Frisbee launcher system including mechanisms such as ball‑screw, pulley‑belt, and crank slider
  • 3- Arduino-based controller with use of different sensors and modules
  • 4- Autonomous Frisbee launching algorithm to modell the final location of the thrown disk based on control parameters of the launcher with MLP to throw the disks at certain points

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